Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness Services
A wellness treatment is a holistic approach to wellbeing. It is not results-driven. A wellness treatment treats the whole person – mental, physical, environmental, spiritual, lifestyle, culture, creativity and connectivity – rather than trying to treat one specific area or part of your person.
Wellness is a term that covers anything non-medical to do with our health: nutrition, physical and mental health, spiritual connectivity (whatever that may mean for you), lifestyle, culture, creativity and relationships. The important goals with wellbeing treatments is to attain happiness, calm, peace, physical health, spiritual refinement, and love.
A wellness treatment often features an element from healing therapies around the world, such as Traditional Chinese or Thai Medicine (TCM and TTI).
A wellness massage, a meditation session or yoga class may make you feel physically more relaxed, more in tune with and connected to parts of your body, and perhaps clear-headed enough to make better decisions.
For example, your massage may include hot poultices, acupressure (using fingers instead of needles on points), vibrations from ringing gongs or prayer bowls (from Ayurvedic medicine) or crystals. It may also use herbal and botanical ingredients to cleanse your skin or calm your mind, such as the minerals in mud treatments, or herbal and botanical essences in massage oils. Your therapist may introduce elements of mindfulness, breathing exercises and other therapeutic methods commonly used to activate your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which soothes hyper-aroused stress-induced states.